Chico Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111

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Your Lodge Won--and We are Humbled

We were shocked and so humbled to find out that the Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111's website was named the winner of the Grand Lodge of California's Annual Communication. The Lodge Communications Awards recognize lodges that are doing an extraordinary job of connecting with their members and the general public through various traditional and innovative communication tools.

We only entered to get feedback from Grand Lodge on what we should do to our website to make it better never thinking it was that good. We are humbled. A big Thank You to our designer, Thomas Thackery of Go Gassamer Web Design, Bros. Steve Catterrall PM, Matt Cherrington Master, and Darrel Hunter PM who green lighted this project last December 2015.

In addition Bro. Ryan Hyland, our treasurer, was awarded Special Recognition for Completion of All Lodge Management Certification Program Courses in 2016. He completed all four courses of the Lodge Management Certification Program – Hall Association Management, Lodge Finance, Membership Experience, and Lodge Administration – including successful scores on each final exam. Congratulations Ryan!

Here is Ryan leading the Scottish Rite Masons Tough Mudder Team at the Tough Mudder Challenge 2016-Lake Tahoe this summer. Congratulations Ryan!